Courses Taught
Ge-140c. Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry.
(Spring, even years). Introduces the basic principles and applications of stable isotopes in biogeochemical research. Topics include C-13 in photosynthesis, respiration, and the carbon cycle; H-2 in the hydrologic cycle, cellulose and lipid paleoclimate proxies; O-18 in plant tissues and ecology; S-34 in the microbial sulfur cycle. Grading will be based on several problem sets, class participation, and a final term paper. Recommended pre-requisite is Ge-140a, Stable Isotope Geochemistry. Next offered in spring, 2024.
Ge-143. Organic Geochemistry
(Spring, odd years). Introduction to the properties and cycling of natural organic materials. The course is organized to follow the geologic cycle of organic matter, from production in living organisms to burial in sediments and preservation in the rock record. Specific topics include lipid biochemistry and stereochemistry, factors controlling preservation in sediments, methanogenesis, diagnetic alterations of carbon skeletons, fossil fuel production and degradation, life in the deep biosphere, and biomarkers for ancient life. Prerequisite: Ch 41a or equivalent. Offered in spring, 2023.
Ge-145. Anatomy of an IRMS.
(Fall, odd years). Graduate level class designed to give students a fundamental understanding of the construction and operating principles of isotope-ratio mass spectrometers. Class consists of one lecture and one 3-hour lab per week, during which we deconstruct an old Finnigan Delta+XL IRMS to understand how it works. Grading is based entirely on a final, written project that describes the operation of the IRMS. Class is taught every other year, and enrollment limited to 6 people. Preference is given to graduate students using IRMS techniques in their thesis research. Next offered in fall, 2023.